A (long) chat with podcaster and disability advocate Blake Forbes, of the BFG podcast. This government preyed on the vulnerable: beneficiaries, the disabled, and patients. But enough's enough.
Especially when it is not about a lack of ability to finance it, it's a choice
"For many people, it is quite difficult to grasp the concept that the government faces no financial constraints. I don’t blame them. It isn’t helped by the simple (and entirely incorrect) frame that the government ‘is like a household’."
The underfunding of disabilities and health is simply criminal. Is it negligence or pre-meditated murder when the government decides to underfund or understaff health and people die as a result? Is there a legal challenge to be made when the decisions made by this government are so harmful?
Especially when it is not about a lack of ability to finance it, it's a choice
"For many people, it is quite difficult to grasp the concept that the government faces no financial constraints. I don’t blame them. It isn’t helped by the simple (and entirely incorrect) frame that the government ‘is like a household’."
From https://neweconomicmanagement.substack.com/p/rethinking-how-government-spending
The underfunding of disabilities and health is simply criminal. Is it negligence or pre-meditated murder when the government decides to underfund or understaff health and people die as a result? Is there a legal challenge to be made when the decisions made by this government are so harmful?