Unfortunately SubStack only allows me to reply with a like/heart, when really, I am angry.

I worked on a clinical referral system in the NZ public health system a decade ago that replaced fax machines in GP offices with an electronic referral. The referral request was triaged by a peer group of primary/secondary clinicians and the system allowed the referring doctor to provide real time feedback to the Patient.

But most importantly, the system helped to measure where demand for services exceeded what had been planned, so that could be fed back into the next round of planning and funding.

But not with this government who have decreed that tax cuts for wealthy people are more important than meeting the health needs of people who cannot afford private healthcare. Absolutely shameful and the main stream media are complicit.

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I completely agree with you DavidM!!

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And Seymour's comments on RNZ this morning more than hint at the end goal of privatization of the Healthcare system- exactly as Dr Gary has previously predicted/ warned.

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🤬It's certainly no comfort to say "we have been here before" but in my living memory certainly not with the deliberate & callous focus to create the situation that this Coalition-of-Cruelty has set it's energy on 😱 It is crystal clear that the puppeteers with the dark money, and the puppets they funded into office, are hell-bent on creating the move to private health care.

A recent posting on Nick's Korero substack identified Seymour et al as similar to cancer in their ability to spread their evil - we all know that sitting back & doing nothing rarely stops an aggressive cancer, so now that it has been diagnosed big tautoko to Dr Payinda for helping us with the knowledge needed to fight it 💙👏👍 The battle against this CoC is on every front, but we must all do our bit if/when we can - Mo tatou, mo ka uri a muri ake nei - for us and our children after us ❤️🤍🖤💪 Yes this affects US today, but it's damage is long term 😥

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Thank you for posting this. It's an utter disgrace. I am one of many sufferers who is languishing on a waiting list for surgery. A life times work in public service and this is how I'm repaid. Words fail me to convey my feelings towards these people

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When I picture what's happening to the public Health system - it's an image of (politicians) wielding a chainsaw massacre against staff and resources while a bulldozer with a big banner of "nothing to see here" is shoving masses of those with health needs over a cliff. Then over to the side while this 'distraction' occurs, private providers are being ushered in through an ever widening door.

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With buckets in hand in which to collect gold by the ton!!

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So you impose a 'target', people refer to meet the target (not the need), then 'success, target achieved!' despite the collateral damage.

A deodorant salesman can't admit it just masks the stink for a while...

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Sadly I don’t think this is new? I recall needing a specialist referral pre-Covid and the GP advised that, even if she successfully referred me, the hospital team would then strip out the bottom section of the waitlist each quarter and send those patients back to their GP. So you are stuck in an endless loop unless you either i) are willing to pay privately or ii) allow your health to degrade so far that you make the upper section of the wait list. A very effective way of discouraging referrals and suppressing demand.

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Actually, NZ governments of several different stripes over a number of years now have been limiting waiting lists for surgery and other hospital treatments, by limiting the time that a patient can even be on the waiting list to 4 months. After that time, the patient automatically falls off the list into limbo, and must return to his/her GP for another referral and another 4 months of waiting. This could go on for several years, I imagine, although I must admit I've never experienced that myself, and don't know anyone who has. But, certainly, the possibility is there.

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