And as we observe the Buchanan playbook is unfolding here via the coalition government and ACT’s influence via the direction and the agenda of the extreme right international atlas organisation with its roots linked to Buchanan et al…..

The Regulatory Standards Bill is all about protecting the property rights of individuals that includes Corporations, allowing them to sue government if their rights are compromised. It also requires government to reduce its size and reduce its tax take!

In essence Aotearoa New Zealand is under siege at this moment as much as the US.

We must fight to retain democracy and I mean fight!

Thank you for sharing Gary - you are arming the fight!

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Yes, fight, but how? What can we do?

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Wow. This is the playbook we are seeing in New Zealand right now. How on earth can a philosophy where self interest is the driving force be considered a valid proposition on which to base a societal and political model? Although I guess if we look around the world…greed and self interest does seem to be a strong driving force for many in positions of power and influence.

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Oh my dear God. I thought this right-wing philosophy came from the southerners after the fight for independence. So clear to see much of Buchanan’s philosophies acting out in the ‘free’ world. What to do?

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Maybe we can be saved from the worst of this by the growing support for Te Tiriti o Waitangi related issues led by a young group of Māori activists, not only very grounded in their own language and culture, but also very highly educated in our relatively left leaning universities.

We can already see how the likes of Luxon and Seymour are flummoxed by political activists who speak a different language among themselves.

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Thanks for sharing this article, Gary…. The missing puzzle piece for me. The soul destroying part is the realisation that THIS is actually the playbook our (!!) CoC is using, and has used before… back on track.

This needs to be shared far and wide, most people have no idea what’s going on.

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His philosophy, in a nutshell: “I’m a bastard, all my friends are bastards, therefore everyone’s a bastard.”

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It surprises me not at all that this can be linked back to wealthy southern people who doubtless made their fortune on the backs of slave labour. The same connections that can be drawn between now and wealthy support for the Nazi party also traces those same wealthy genealogies back to Renassiance Italy (center of the Catholic Church). Rich people didn’t stop influencing politics when politics stopped being driven by the church; they switched to influencing democracy and that had allowed them to keep and increase their wealth over generations by pulling at mechanisms of power.

Stands to reason the same thing would be happening in the US.

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Note there is no Nobel in economics. Some bank created a copy cat award to push their ideology

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wow. Thank you!!!

I have been thinking a lot about things in connection lately and this seems to play into this whole thing around ATLAS think tanks, power, control and Zionists, Racism and white christian nationalism. Of course defence and surveillance along with this mad new Silicon Valley ideology too. Seems like they are trying to form a new CEO government corporate monarchy feudalism situation. The rich will be in control of govt through a CEO and controlling and monitoring all middle class, working class, immigrants and refugees.

I am also starting to think we have to wait for enough to get so angry that mass strikes will be the only way to force change. Hitting govt in the pocket is the only way.

It's not the trumpism caused all this spread of horror, it's that capitalism and corporatists spread it everywhere.

It is amazing how they sell it with libertarian ideas, and up is down and down is up now according to their PR.

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Thank you for highlighting this important knowledge Dr G, and bless you for acknowledging me. FYI, the next crucial step (I think) is in trying to get kiwis to understand how we (as a nation) have been ‘cut out’ of our our sovereign power to self fund essential productive infrastructure - prof michael Hudson is well worth getting to grips with on it. He’s a heavy weight economist, economic historian, wall st analyst, and monetary theorist.

Basically, the exorbitant privilege of currency creation has been almost entirely gifted to private banks, who prefer speculative (rather than productive) investment; and who suck our economic blood while doing so.

The solution to reversing our increasing economic polarisation and decay is largely in sovereign debt and sovereign investment. It can be mixed market, but international best practice (Singapore, s.Korea, Japan, Scandinavia, pre imperial Britain and USA) show us this is so. But, looters and liars rule. Knowledge is power, fill your boots here


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