A great piece, thank you. Miles

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The situation is bad, but its not until you are part of it, you realize the enormity of the problem. My 78 year old partner was diagnosed with probable appendicitis and we were sent to ED. She was not in too much pain and was attending hospital for the first time in her life. After 11 hours without seeing a doctor we were exhausted and went home. Consulted local nurse practitioner and were sent back to ED. Another 7 hours and she finally got admitted. Surgery found she had perforated appendix with large abscess requiring major surgery. They commented it was touch and go. Had nothing but praise for the staff who saw her through, but just recall other elderly patients who left as we did the first time ...................

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Well said. Unfortunately, the public have no idea about what is happening in the health sector, and if they do, it is often from their personal point of view - they may think that not being able to access primary care for 2-3 weeks is only happening to them. And people feel so helpless as a consequence of the (fairly sudden) barrage of destructive change that has happened over the last year that they are responding with passivity. Awful!

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Hunger games in real life!

You’re absolutely right - we need a government that looks after their people and assets, not one that couldn’t care less, strips everything and only looks after their very rich ones….

The trouble is that they’ve managed to infiltrate and manipulate Mr & Ms Average to a point where even they don’t see what’s happening!

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